Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館 | 全台機車排氣定檢站資訊網
The current study aims to investigate the development of tea industry in Min-jen Township based on the concept of agro-food chain and the influence of the tea drinks industry on the production and marketing of the Min-jen tea industry. As for the production system, because of the increase of the planting scope and the division of labor, the tea industry in Min-jen started to go from the small-scale to the large-scale and mechanical production before 1985. However, with the development of the tea drinks industry since 1985, we have seen that some tea production plants start to produce the tea drinks or the lower-level tea during summer and autumn and some even only focus on the production of the tea drinks. This solves the back-up of the summer tea in Min-jen. Concerning the marketing system, there were tea cyanine retailers and wholesalers who acquired coarsed and refined tea before 1985. Yet, Min-jen was not the main t...
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南投縣名間鄉茶葉產銷活動之研究 | 全台機車排氣定檢站資訊網
茶農產銷履歷認知及參與意願之研究–以南投縣名間鄉為例 | 全台機車排氣定檢站資訊網
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博碩士論文行動網 | 全台機車排氣定檢站資訊網
國立臺中教育大學區域與社會發展學系暑期在職 ... | 全台機車排氣定檢站資訊網
Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館 | 全台機車排氣定檢站資訊網